Going for any kind of breast surgery can be a time of anxiety and great uncertainty, so it’s not surprising that the last thing a woman thinks about is what kind of bra she will need to wear immediately after the operation. In this blog, we discuss the benefits of wearing a post-operative bra and why you should consider getting properly fitted to help ensure the best support during the healing period…
As the name implies, a post-operative or post-op bra, is designed for women who have breast surgery of some sort – be it breast augmentation, breast reduction, for a single or double mastectomy, or even open-heart surgery.
What makes a post-op bra the ideal bra to wear after surgery? Well, they definitely help facilitate recovery, provide maximum comfort and support, and prevent wound irritation. They help reduce swelling, support implants and provide an easy way to attach drainage tubes if you have them after your operation. They also provide greater support than a sports bra, helping you return to normal activities as quickly as possible. What’s more, post-op bras tend to be manufactured from special fabrics that help aid in the healing process. These fabrics can be both anti-bacterial and sometimes even thermo-regulating.
A post-op bra is a front-fastening bra, preventing any movement after surgery that can cause discomfort and pain, or that exceeds your reach or range after surgery, which could result in straining the muscles of the chest unnecessarily and causing possible further damage.
Also, a post-op bra’s shoulder straps normally have Velcro fasteners, making them easier to adjust. The cups are always seam-free to ensure no chaffing on the nipple or stitches. The cups may also be pocketed to allow for a prosthesis or breast form should you need to wear one in the case of a mastectomy.
Finding the right post-op bra can seem overwhelming but it needn’t be. At Bravacious, we can help guide you and assist in alleviating any concerns you may have – it’s what we do. Give us a call today to arrange a consultation and/or fitting.